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Some recent work from sculptor Greg Brotherton – sinister telephones and calculating characters

Filed under Found on the Web

Listening in sculpture by Greg BrothertonI just realized that I haven’t heard lately from (or about) sculptor Greg Brotherton. If you’ve been here awhile, you might remember one or two posts I’ve written about his work in days gone by.

So I hied myself over to his gallery web site and found some new, typically neat and sinister pieces. I especially like the one I show here, Listening In. Brotherton lists its materials as "Welded steel, cast pewter, payphone dial, parts from a beer tap, concrete", which I think may sum up a large part of my own life, as well as reminding me quite a bit of my telephone.

There’s a similar piece called The Calculator that’s also really striking. The new pieces are often smaller, and somehow more intimate, than the large pieces I’ve featured here before. As always, incredibly neat work can be found in his gallery.

[tags]greg brotherton, sculpture, retro, assemblage, found objects, robots, dystopia[/tags]


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Down in the Basement. Where it Strains Against its Chains and Turns a Gigantic Wheel of Pain, for all Eternity. Muahahahahaha.