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In Progress – an airship of the retro future

Filed under Computer Graphics, Works in Progress

Airship of the Retro Future

Here’s a test rendering of the 3D model I’ve been working on – it’s the Airship Vindoclavian, a lighter than air dirigible that incorporates some steering propellers from an old Modern Mechanix & Inventions cover and an exoskeletal frame that’s unlike any that were ever used in zeppelins (German zeppelins used internal, four-spoked frames, while the US Navy’s dirigibles used a similar, but three-spoked frame that the German engineers disapproved of*).

That frame and another aspect of the design are really intended just to make the nature of the ship more apparent… so I have to figure out what crazy notions led to those changes. Because I’m not a rocket scientist, of course – just a rocket artist.

*given the relative failure rates of the US and German dirigibles, the Germans seem to have had a point there.

[tags]zeppelin, dirigible, retro future, retro futuristic, airship, dieselpunk, sci fi, science fiction, 3d, 3ds max, computer graphics[/tags]
3 responses to “In Progress – an airship of the retro future
dirigible says:
October 6th, 2010 at 2:38 am

i love 3D..
this is really cool..
make more 3D designs..
great post..

bluesteel says:
January 5th, 2011 at 2:26 am

pretty cool – like the retro styling i use soilid works

Karen G says:
August 13th, 2011 at 9:45 pm

Very nice. I like the texture on the fins. The shape makes me think of the Polaris space ship from old sci-fi films.

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