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Thrilling Tales: Kickstarter Update and Work in Progress

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

I’ve posted my third project update over at Kickstarter, in which I draw some comparisons with my last fundraiser over there, and then muse a little about things done, right and wrong.

And while we’re nearly two thirds of the way toward the end of the Kickstarter drive I’m working on as planned. With just eight illustrations left to go for the book, I’m also working on the paperback edition’s cover. I’ve caught up the book design to include the most recent pages and I’m thinking about the other bits and bobs, like a frontispiece and a bookplate design – not a separate bookplate, but one that’s printed on the endpapers.

As I mention in the update I’ve seen a dramatic increase in traffic over at the Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual web site. A lot of those new readers are coming back for the new pages as they appear. So I’m starting to wonder whether I was wise to plan a brief hiatus before my next serial. After all, I’d like for those people to keep coming back; but I also need to make much better progress on Part Two of The Toaster With TWO BRAINS before the next serial begins.

It’s a puzzle, and no mistake.

[tags]thrilling tales of the downright unusual, the lair of the clockwork book, the toaster with TWO BRAINS, kickstarter, crowdsourced funding[/tags]


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