Not to be outdone even by himself, the astounding Mister Doortree has posted a new collection of science fiction pulp magazine covers at Golden Age Comic Book Stories.
This time we see 49 covers from Startling Stories, spanning the years 1939 to 1955. And they’re wonderful.
The credited artists are Howard V. Brown, Earle Bergey, Rudolph Belarski, Alex Schomburg, Jack Coggins, Walter Popp, Ed Emshwiller, and Ed Valigursky. I was just looking at one of the Emshwiller covers yesterday, and found to my, well, startlement that he was also an early pioneer in computer graphics. It’s a small world, even when it has rampaging robots and sinister tentacles in it.
As, you know, it does.
[tags]pulp magazines, science fiction, cover, illustration, startling stories, Howard V. Brown, Earle Bergey, Rudolph Belarski, Alex Schomburg, Jack Coggins, Walter Popp, Ed Emshwiller, Ed Valigursky[/tags]