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John Scalzi Threatens the World With My Title-O-Tron

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

Pulp ci Fi Title GeneratorSo as I write this, Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual has seen almost 39,000 page views since its launch, just over two weeks ago.

I’ll take all the credit I can for that but the ball didn’t really start rolling until the site was mentioned at Dark Roasted Blend and Mental Floss. Nice!

As you might expect the Pulp Sci Fi Title-O-Tron is the most popular link and the most popular page, too. It’s been fun to watch the incoming links appear and to see where they’re coming from – often from conversations on forums.

I hate to pick favorites, but I will: there’s a fun conversation going on at Metafilter where people are posting random titles they like… to the point where they’re mapping out an actual series based on the titles. They seem to like a "Midshipman" trilogy that ends tragically with Lament for the Celestial Midshipman. But hey, folks, it doesn’t really need to end there: because with more titles like Gods of the Lieutenant of Phobos and Avenged by the Captain of Twilight there’s a clear path for promotion.

But this is why the Metafilter page stands out for me: John Scalzi chimed in with this:

I’m going to take one of these titles and write a science fiction story out of it.


You’ll see. You’ll ALL see.

posted by jscalzi at 6:56 AM on May 9

But which would it be? The Dancing Professor of the Worlds? Pursued by the Quivering Accountant? The Night of the Tentacle of Terror? or… The Song of the Accordion of Doom?

Support the Thrilling Tales!

In other news, I’m happy to say that there’s been some response to my Kickstarter fundraiser for the Thrilling Tales. It may look like a small percentage so far… but at the rate we’re going we can certainly meet the goal. If, you know, we do keep going at that rate. So remember: Long arms and shallow pockets beat short arms and deep pockets!


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