Frank Buchwald’s gallery for his series of “Machine Lights” sculptures is either a collection of what I’d like to install at the Secret Laboratory, or maybe a collection of things I wish I’d designed myself.
Some of these look like something that crept out of Tesla’s brain, while others are more the sort of Buck Rogers chic that I hope is my own province.These are artfully made objects, certainly not toys – spend some time with those detail shots to see just what Buchwald’s up to here. There are hand-blown glass bulbs and tubes, and individually machined and finished parts in steel and brass.
I just love the demented craftsmanship in these. The lights are available in limited numbers, but as far as I can tell there’s no pricing information available unless you contact the artist. I’ve got a feeling they’ll be beyond my means unless this ATM-Dispersal Ray I’m tinkering with works out. But by all means – go look!

I like it very inspiring and immaginative the lamp look almost alive