Globally Replacing Cafepress Images with CPShop
(October, 2006

It’s possible to use CPShop’s “images” file to replace all sorts of text and HTML that comes in from the Cafepress servers, and I’ve used it for a variety of things - including disabling content or features that I’ve decided I don’t want in my CPShop. But the original purpose of that images file is for replacing the default product and thumbnail images with your own, custom images, and it does that very well.

You might want to do this in order to change the background color of the product images, or in some other way to make them match your site design. You might want to create a more readable thumbnail image for products like the golf shirts or women’s hoodie, whose pocket graphic can’t really be seen in the default 150 pixel store image. You might want to use an alternate image size, but just letting the user’s browser scale the image gives unacceptable results. You might even want to correct bugs or inconsistencies in the Cafepress thumbnails. For me, the reason I started doing this was purely for site performance. The CP image servers frequently have problems, and store images may become erratically unavailable – especially in high traffic times like the holiday season.

Because of numerous image changes this year, and in order to make some changes to my products, I’ve just gone through this process for the second time. I figured that I’d document it while it’s all fresh in my mind in case anyone else chooses to do this – it’s not quite as simple as it used to be.

The images file was meant to replace the full URL of an image. For my purposes, since I wanted to replace ALL my store images, this wasn’t practical. What I do is to use the images file to replace only the path to the image, so that – in a perfect world – all I’d need to do would be to duplicate all my store and product images in a single place, add a few lines to the images file, and everything would simply work.

In practice it’s gotten a bit more complicated this year. There have been several changes to filenames and image paths for CP’s store images, so that I’ve had to adapt my images file to accommodate the changes.

I don’t recommend that you try doing this unless you feel you have a very good reason for doing it – it can be a lot of work to set up in the first place, and it will mean that your CPShop will require additional maintenance that you may not want to perform. In my case I found that it was worth it, since within a month of setting it up the image servers went south in a big way and I alone, muahaha, had a working shop. Despite the effort I think it’s worth it for me, since I’m now immune to that sort of trouble.

…but I really ought to play Devil’s Advocate anyhow.

Reasons You Should Not Do This

1. Duplicating all your store images is a lot of work.

…and it’s tedious, too.

If you’re going to replace your images globally you need to save off every one of them so that you can upload local copies to your web server. Your shop may have hundreds of products, and most products have a small “store” thumbnail and two full size product images (front and back, or Front and Inside). That’s a lot of images.

The best way I know how to do this without altering any image names, or grabbing a lot of unwanted images, is to view every one of your sections and products in your browser and save it off by right-clicking on it. I’d like to think there’s an easier way, and that I’m just not smart enough to figure it out.

2. New Product image swapping for color variations.

If you want to support the new image-swapping feature for color variations on clothing, you would need to duplicate three additional images for every affected product. (It’s possible to disable this feature, if your custom images are more important to you than the pretty cool color-switching product images – more below.)

3. Product image names now change.

If you make a change to a product that rebuilds its product images, the product image name now changes. The old product image is not deleted, and while the page information is cached your CPShop will continue to show the old image. Once the cache expires, if you haven’t done something to allow for this, either globally or by reproducing the new product images, your product image will not show. I have a workaround for this, too, but like everything else here it requires you to take a maintenance step that normally isn’t necessary.

It is very possible that this would also happen if CafePress should automatically regenerate its store images, as they have done in the past. For that reason I’d recommend that step that I am taking, which will be described below.

4. More Work to Add Products.

Duplicating the images, even if you’re not modifying them, adds an additional step to adding designs and products to your store. For that reason alone, you may not wish to do this.

5. Ongoing Maintenance.

CafePress filename conventions have been changing, and you may have to modify your images to cope. For the most part I’ve been able to do this automatically – but for example, the inside images for greeting cards recently changed from “Back” or “B” to “Inside”. I had to make replacements for those images to adapt, since this was a change I couldn’t remap globally.

6. And finally...

You should never do this with affiliated products. First, it’s against the affiliate TOS; and second, you will have no idea when or how an affiliated product may change. Its store and product images should always be “live”.

Reasons You Might Do This

1. Performance and Uptime.

This, like I said, was why I started and why I’ve decided to continue. Any time the Cafepress image servers go down or get sluggish, my shop images still come up reliably and customers have no idea that there’s a problem somewhere else. Obviously my site still has to draw the non-image data from CP, so if their whole site has problems then I have problems too. But I don’t have to worry about the images, which are the element most likely to have problems.

2. Correcting image problems.

This is necessarily subject to change. At the time of writing, one significant problem is that the “Back” image for the women’s hoodie is not square; it’s 219 by 240, rather than 240 by 240. Your CPShop installation displays this as 240 by 240, so the user’s browser stretches it to that size. The back images for this product end up looking pixellated and jagged for that reason.

In addition, during my latest round of image gathering I found about half a dozen “Store”, or thumbnail images, which were also a non-square shape and an odd size, something like 120 by 125. I was able to make new square images to replace these, and my own images won’t change to a buggy state if a problem like that appears again.

3. Aesthetics

You may want to make global changes like altering the background color of all your images – I’d rather not. There are just too many of them to modify every single one.
There are a few changes I do make, though.

A. I remove the “Made in USA” stamps from those products that have them, because I feel it’s a bad idea.

B. I make new store thumbnails for Golf Shirts and Women’s Raglan Hoodies – these shirts have small pocket designs, and those can’t really be seen in the default images. What I do there is to crop the upper right part of the Front product image to make a new “zoomed in” thumbnail that better shows the pocket design area.

C. I now lower the saturation on the neon product images for the yellow and green shirts – the product images are much more saturated than the shirts themselves are.

D. I make new poster thumbnails and product images. If a poster is trimmed to less than its maximum size, its thumbnail and product image is that much smaller than the image size – that is, the image always leave space for that part of the poster that’s to be trimmed off. So these images often have a lot of whitespace around them which could be better used to show the poster itself. Posters are the whole reason I started this, so I want to present them better than that.

E. Due to some CP changes that made their content use more horizontal space, I had to start scaling my store images from 150 by 150 to 140 by 140. Browsers do this badly; Photoshop does this well.

One thing I’d love to do would be to use my 3D rendering tools to make much better images for the mugs – images in which my design actually wraps around the mug, instead of being plopped flat on its image. That’s a big enough project that I haven’t done it yet.

How To Globally Replace Your Images

So if you think this is worth the hassle, here’s how to globally replace every store and product image in your CPShop.

1. Capture all your store’s images.

You’ll need to save off copies of every store thumbnail and every product image. I haven’t had the courage to duplicate all the possible color swatch product images, but you could do that too.

I do this by product type (like, all white t shirts, etc.) because I may process different products differently.

You can capture these images from your CPShop site, or from the preview pages (“Preview this page”) for your shop at Cafepress. In the public shop display at CafePress these images are protected from being saved locally.

2. Modify any of these images as you wish.

I have Photoshop actions for scaling, saturation, and cropping modifications that I use, and by moving all images of a certain type to a folder by themselves you can use batch processing to change them all at once.

3. File Renaming

During my first year of replacing these images, some naming changes made it necessary for me to adapt. In this new round, all my image names already conform to the current file naming conventions. They’ve apparently been regenerated automatically.

There’s no guarantee that this won’t happen again.

There’s one more wrinkle. In its current state, Cafepress now changes the name of a product image when it’s regenerated. A “v2”, “v3”, or other version number is appended to the product number in the filename. I don’t know whether this is a version number for the image, or for the image processing system – but whichever one it is I need to remove it if my custom images are going to continue to work even if CafePress should automatically rebuild all its own thumbnail images.

So I first batch rename my custom images to remove the “v2”, “v3”, etc. Then I use the CPShop images file to filter out those characters from the filenames. Once I do those two things my shop basically ignores the version numbers for all product images.

I have no idea how high the version numbers go (I’ve had them as high as 7) and I’ll just need to watch things to see if they go any higher. If they do, I’ll just need to add a line or lines to my images file, to filter those higher numbers out.

There are probably a bunch of tools for batch renaming files. Here’s the Windows tool I use.

I open the folder where my full set of thumbs is, then rename “v1_” to “_”, “v2_” to “_”, and so on.

At this point, I have a full set of shop images, modified or not, and they’ve all been renamed to remove the version numbers from their filenames.

Upload all these images to a folder on your web site. For the purpose of this example, let’s assume you’ve uploaded them to

4. Edit your CPShop images file

Here are the lines you need to add to your CPShop images file.

The first set of replacements remaps the path of your store images from the CafePress site to your own – you’ll want to replace the URL in these lines with your own shop URL, of course.

The second set of replacements strips out the version numbers from the image files that CPShop will load. This will continue to load your renamed “versionless” files regardless of changes to CafePress’ version number for the image (up to v10; if that number goes higher, you need to add additional lines).

If you also want to replace all store section images, put your custom versions in the same directory, and add these lines to the images file:

When you’ve made these changes to the images file, save it, and upload it to your cgi-bin directory. Use the CPShop admin page to clear the cache, and you should be seeing your replacement images.

If anything goes wrong, now or later, you can quickly delete those lines from the images file and clear the cache again – your site will now be displaying the Cafepress product images, instead of yours.

You should view every one of your section and product pages to make sure that you didn’t miss any images. It’s better to do it now.

Now… those color swatch changes on products like the baseball jerseys, cap sleeve shirts, and so on. If you couldn’t face grabbing three additional versions of each of those product images, you can disable this feature in your CPShop with these lines in the images file:

The first line gives a new name to the product image; now the function that wants to swap the image won’t find an image to swap. The second line renames the function that changes the product color in the product color dropdown, if a color swatch is clicked – this isn’t necessary, probably, but it prevents the user from accidentally changing the color selection by clicking on the (now inactive) swatch.

The color image replacement lines replace requests for the alternate color images; they're remapped to requests for the normal product images, which are already loaded and cached. This prevents error messages on your server and should improve page load times, if only slightly.

Finally, an external Javascript file was being referenced with a relative address, rather than an absolute address to its location at CafePress. The last line fixes that so that it loads correctly. Whatever it is.

And that should be it. The worst part is the first part: duplicating the hundreds or thousands of images for the products already in your shop.

Known Problems

1. The "View Larger" links only for those products whose color would otherwise be swapping don't work. Still looking for that workaround.

Adding and Changing Items in the Future

From now on, every time you create a new product (or alter the design on an existing one) you will need to:

1. Grab its store and product images from CafePress, in the “Preview this page” view while you’re administering your store.

2. Rename the product images to remove the “v1” or other version number from the product images.

3. Modify the images, if desired.

4. Upload the new images to the folder on your web server where all your other store and product images have been stored.

I create new products in a hidden section of my store, perform these steps, and then move the products into the sections where they’ll live – after my replacement images are in place.

And remember – if anything ever melts down or blows up, you can turn your image replacement off immediately by deleting these new lines from your images file, uploading it, and clearing your CPShop cache.

You can see this crazy scheme in action here:

Note (February 2007) - because of issues with the changing color swatches and continuing changes to product thumbnails, I've at least temporarily modified this so that I'm replacing only store page thumbnails, and not product images. So currently, my own images file does not replace anything from, version numbers, or color names. I am also no longer replacing the doswatchclick function.

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